Year 1992 – Breeding program starts
1992 was the year that my breeding program really took off. I had now acquired enough bitches to start a serious breeding program. Ch Caratoots Great Expectation mated my bitches Carovers Tootsie and Carovers Urbinette. The result was two offspring each (Caratoots Look Another Expectation, Caratoots Limited Edition, Caratoots Count Christopher and Caratoots Contessa Cassandra). At the end of the year my coming star Chipmans Like a Great Expectation gave birth to four great puppies, Caratoots Coronation Commander, Caratoots Creamy Candyman, Caratoots Cacharel Caramelle and Caratoots Chanice Chandelle. They were all sired by my latest acquisition Chipmans Ringo Star.
During 1992 Ch Wåranz Caratwicchie moved to the USA, and became American Champion within short.